In order to be able to sell your Oahu home, you know that you are going to have to show it because no one wants to buy anything sight unseen. Although it may be a little more inconvenient, your home should always be ready to show. To make it easier for you, allow your real estate agent to put a lock box in a convenient place for other agents to be able to show our home without having to make an appointment. When an agent wants to show your home, they want to be able to show it when it is convenient for the buyer. If they cannot show it when the buyer wants to see it, there is a good possibility that you will lose the sale.


When the agent says that they and the buyers are come to see your home, try not to be there when they arrive because some home buyers may feel like they are intruding and may not be as receptive toward seeing your home. If you cannot leave, remain out of their way and do not move room to room. Do not offer any information, but answer any questions the real estate agent may ask.


When you know that your house is going to be shown, make sure that you turn on all the outdoor and indoor lights even if it is during the day. At night it will give the home a "homey" feeling and during the day, lights will prevent the harsh shadows from the sunlight. The lights will also brighten up any dim areas.


Make sure that you do not use any type of scented sprays because you may spray something that a prospective buyer is allergic too, preventing them from even seeing your home or having an allergic reaction to the scent.


Make sure that you keep the house tidy such as making sure that all the beds are made, papers are picked up, do not leave any dirty dishes sitting around or in the sink or dish drainer, make sure your house is dusted and vacuumed daily. In addition, make sure that the kitchen trash is taken out before the house is shown and a fresh bag is put back in the can, even if it only has a little bit of trash in it, especially if you do not have a lid on your kitchen trash can.


These are just a few little things to keep in mind when you are getting ready to sell your home and you have perspective buyers coming by to see your home.