Waikiki real estate market is still running at a rate that has most people comfortable. The properties that are listed range from single family homes to luxury condos that people can buy and live the high life. Though the real estate market is not as bad when compared to the rest of the United States, the properties here seem to hold their value more simply because they are located in paradise. And the area of Waikiki is one that most people want to buy in since it is so close to Honolulu and is close to beaches and other fun things to do.


So what can people expect with real estate purchases in Waikiki? Depending on what type of home that the person buys will depend on what the features of these properties are. For those that are looking for single homes, they are going to find that the two bedroom option is the norm, with other homes available that are bigger, however, they are more out of city limits. The most popular option to live in when in Waikiki is condos. There are tons of condos that have sprung up around the area due to the large population that is flocking to the area. With these condos people can find those that are considered studio apartments, those that are two bedroom, up towards three or four bedrooms.


The price range that people can expect to pay for real estate in Waikiki really depends on what they are looking for. For example, a two bedroom single family home is going to cost around $160,000, which is decent giving the location of the home. For those that are looking for condos, they can expect to pay around $275,000 for a one bedroom or $475,000 for a two bedroom. Of course there are prices that are going to be higher or lower depending on the age of the building that the condo is located in and whether they are coming furnished or not, which is sometimes the case with the condos that are in the area.


When looking to move to the area of Waikiki, the person is going to find that many of the listings are online which makes it easy for people to see what there is to offer. However, for those that are wanting to see these homes, then they are going to need a real estate agent so that they have access to the homes. Be sure to get someone that you can work with and rely upon especially if you are from other places than Hawaii and may need to fly back and forth to the area frequently.