A Honolulu real estate investment is known to generally comprise 8 elements: finding the deal, the original examination, making the decision, professional inspection, negotiating, closing the deal, increasing the value and re-selling

1. Finding the deal - to locate the appropriate real estate in Hawaii is the first step into the process involved in real estate investing. At this stage you will look for deal while employing the strategies that you know to work best.

2. Go for initial examination - do some research for the deal you might be interested in and check for its profitability. Look closer to the neighborhood and ask around about the status of the specific real estate, have a meeting with the seller and search for similar values on the market

3. Making the decision - at this stage you should decide whether or not you buy the real estate you have set you r mind on. Write down all its pros and cons and see if the profit is huge enough to allow you confront with anything that will be involved.

4. Negotiating with the seller - this is seen as the critical part as this is when the profit margin is defined and the deal will reach to its final format. While negotiating you can be offered and you can offer various alternatives of acquiring the asset, but finally you would agree on the deal and slowly but surely prepare to close it.

5. Professional inspection - before the deal is closed hire a professional to run a professional checking on the real estate and know as such that there won't be any problems that will affect the profits you have previously planned.

6. Closing the deal - after the inspection ends in good results then you can close the deal and as such you will be the owner of the real estate property.

7. Increasing the value of the Oahu real estate property - this can be done with a qualitative rehabilitation of the premises. If there are things that cannot be done by you, hire someone professional to do them. It can take some time and money, but of course all these you must have previously taken into account, as they shouldn't at all affect the profit you have seen at the beginning of the deal.

8. Re-selling - when the real estate is over in its renovating process, you should run a marketing campaign, find a buyer and sell the property. The process of a real estate investing can take indeed some time and some knowledge that you must acquire, but in the end it can be very rewarding as long as you know how to run a profitable marketing strategy for the business that you have launched yourself into. A real estate investment is known to generally comprise 8 elements: finding the deal, the original examination, making the decision, professional inspection, negotiating, closing the deal, increasing the value and re-selling.