It is a common problem with people as they plan to either buy or sell a property in Hawaii.  How do I get all my things from my old place to my new place?  When you are getting on or off the Islands, it can become an additional concern because you have to ship your things on the water and then on land.

Here are a few tips brought to you from our friends at American Auto Movers who handle a lot of Hawaii car shipping so you can avoid the common pit falls that many people encounter and make your move smooth.

▪    Do your homework: A common mistake people make is getting 3 or 4 quotes and failing to do the research on the companies who are giving them these quotes.  When you are looking for a realtor you want someone with a good reputation first and then you can see what they can do for you.  You should approach this the same way.  A good place to get the information on reputable car shipping companies is from the Better Business Bureau.  On that report you can see how many years they have been in business and how many complaints they have.  This is important on many levels but this will help you avoid scams where they quote you one price and then change the price prior to delivery.  Companies like that will already have numerous complaints.  Whether they are a member or not is less important, the years in business and number of complaints is more relevant.

▪    Avoid prepaying deposits:  A common misconception is that shipping companies need you to prepay the shipping upfront.  Your car shipping freight MUST be paid when your car arrives at the port.  However a common scam that people fall into is thinking the companies will need a $200-300 deposit upfront.  Not prepaying will help you avoid the fly by night companies who charge these deposits by quoting cheap prices and never moving cars.  They will be in business for sometimes a year running that scam, close shop and then do it under a new name.  Since the amounts are small it is hard for people to be serious about pursuing them with the authorities so they slip through the cracks.

▪    Ask for a prep list:  When you are shipping to or from the Islands there are certain things you need to do in order to have your vehicle ready.  It is very different than when you are shipping within the standard 48 because you are having your car at the port.  There are different requirements when you are shipping to Hawaii than when you are shipping from.  So when you do make a choice on who you want to book with ask them to email you a prep list so you know exactly what documents you need and how to properly prepare your vehicle for transit.  Not doing these things can result in delays and unnecessary surcharges at the ports in Hawaii or the mainland.

There are a lot of legitimate car shipping companies out there.  We just wanted to give you some pointers so you were able to sort out the the good from the bad and then you can make your decision with who you feel the most comfortable with so your move goes smoothly.