Pupukea Beach Park is a long beach with many rocks. In the Hawaiian language, Pupukea refers to white shell. At the end of the Pupukea Beach Park, you will find two small pocket beaches. The two pocket beaches are Shark’s Cove and Three Tables. Both beaches are famous diving and snorkeling sites. During the summer, the ocean at Pupukea Beach will have calm wave. During the winter, the surfing wave can be high and dangerous. It is not recommended that you carry out swimming and snorkeling activities at the Pupukea Beach. Shark’s Cove name is derived from the outline of nearby reef that looks very much like a shark. During the summer, people often go to Shark’s Cove to carry out snorkeling activities. You should not think that Shark’s Cove is a place frequented by sharks. The sharks only come to the Shark’s Cove occasionally. At Shark’s Cove, you can observe the turtles. You should wear shoes when walking along the shore of Shark’s Cove because there are sharp rock formations.

The Three Tables beach is named after the three flat reefs. The three flat reefs are located above the beach. You can see them when the tide is low. Three Tables Beach offers a good snorkeling spot for the visitors in the summer. In the winter, the surfing wave at Three Tables Beach can be very dangerous so it is advised that you don’t swim in it. There is a beachcomber paradise in the middle of Shark Cove and Three Beaches Tables. Other natural wonders such as lava formations and blowholes can be found in between Shark Cove and Three Beaches Tables.

The Honolulu Fire Department’s Sunset Beach Fire Station is located in the center of the Pupukea Beach Park. The fire station serves as an important base for the north Oahu. The firefighters that work at this fire station will often respond to the accidents that occur at the ocean. Pupukea Beach Park covers about 90 acres of land. You can see the beach from the Kamehameha Highway. The Foodland supermarket is situated adjacent to the street. If you are hungry, you can visit this supermarket to buy some food. There is a small shop that sells surf wear nearby the beach. Pupukea Beach Park is actually a marine life conservation area. There are plenty of spots at the beach where you can carry out ocean recreational activities.