Polihale Beach ranks as one of the longest Hawaiian beach. The shoreline is about 15 miles long. It is also one of the widest beaches in Hawaii. The width of the beach is 300 feet. The beach is located insider the Polihale Beach State Park. Polihale Beach State Park covers an area of more than 140 acres. The Pacific Missile Range Facility is located on the south side of the beach park. The Na Pali Coast is located on the north. The beach is named Polihale because of its beauty. According to the Hawaiians, the beach is where the souls depart to the underworld. You can take a four-wheel drive to come to the beach. The road that leads to the beach is about 5 miles long. There are many ruts and potholes in the road. If you don’t want to travel by four-wheel drive, you can walk on the dirt road.

From time to time, rough waves will occur at the Polihale Beach. The current will become strong and weak without your knowledge. Besides, the ocean is not protected with a reef barrier. It can be dangerous to swim at Polihale Beach when the current is strong as it can wash you further into the ocean. If you want to swim, you should go to Queen’s Pond. The water level in Queen’s Pond is shallow and the bottom is sandy. A reef also surrounds the pond so it is safer to swim here. Queen’s Pond is situated in the middle of the Polihale Beach’s shoreline.

The Barking Sands sand dune can be found at the beach as well. The local people call the Barking Sands as Keonekani o Nohili. Keonekani o Nohili means the sounding sands of Nohili. It is called the sounding sands of Nohili because the sands can produce a sound when it is slapped together. To produce the sound, you need to use your two hands to grab some sands. After that, you should slap your hand together. The sound can be produced because the sand grains have small holes. The sound comes from the vibrations that occur through the small holes.

Polihale Beach is a great camping site. You can spend a night camping at this beach. They’re re no nearby restaurants so you must bring food on your own. You can also picnic at the Polihale Beach if you want.